01:960:401 Study Guide - Final Guide: Bernoulli Trial, Random Variable

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Probability distribution- is the list of the distinct numerical values of x along with their associated probabilities: f(xi) = p[x = xi] F(xi) > 0 for each value xi of x. The summation of all values of i = 1: you can draw a probability histogram. Expected value- also called the mean is the value of an event multiplied by its probability. Variance (x) = sum (xi - u)^2 * f(xi: alternative: sum (xi ^2 * f(xi) u ^ 2) Standard deviation = + sqrt (variance (x)) Parameter- replaces the population proportion in bernoulli trials. Bernoulli trials: a trial is a repetition of an experiment. There are two outcomes of a trial: Failure: the probability of success is = p, the probability of failure = (1-p) or q, trials are independent, the selections must be replaced, or the bernoulli trials" conditions are violated. This is negated by a large population, where less than 10% is removed.