[33:799:301] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 12 pages long Study Guide!

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Intro to supply chain lecture 1: boiling an egg exxon video. Supply chain aspects delivery (logistics), manufacturing, operations (gas for the egg) Inputs egg, gas, water, pan, packaging of egg carton, stove. Delivers value by managing the processes of all of those otherwise independent trading partners so that they collaborate with one another in an efficient, effective, and cost conscious way. Ex) apple for the apple 7 most communicate with other companies such as. Foxcomm and qualcomm to assemble the phone: goal of scm. Increase customer service while reducing inventory investment (such as land) and operating expenses (costs) Firms implement scm to a) achieve cost savings and b) better coordinate resources: scm asu video. The management of the chain of supplies. The us is the #1 for exporter of goods: logistics vs. scm. Physical movement of things within your own organization. Consists of the flow of products from: