NUR240 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Allergic Rhinitis, Pregnancy Category, Bronchospasm

108 views1 pages
29 Nov 2018

Document Summary

Chapter 40: drugs for asthma and other pulmonary disorders. Relieve and prevent bronchospasm that is characteristic of asthma and copd. Reduces inflammation thus reducing frequency of asthma attacks. Preferred for long term management of persistent asthma. Prophylaxis of persistent, chronic asthma, exercise induced bronchospasm. Ae are uncommon; some patients experience palpations, headaches, throat irritation, tremor. Irritation of upper respiratory tract; bitter taste, epistaxis. Patients with hypersensitivity to soya lecithin or soybean/peanuts. Use with caution in those with hepatic impairment. Products containing caffeine can cause nervousness, tremor, palpitations. Do not use if patient is experiencing an acute asthma attack. Growth of pediatric patients should be monitored carefully. Do not administer to terminate acute asthma attacks.