BIOL 204 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Agaricus Bisporus, Jelly Fungus, Asexual Reproduction

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2 Jan 2018

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*** they belong to the supergroup unikonta, but the sub group of unikonta, Heterotrophic eukaryotes: organisms with nuclei, mitocondrial, that get energy from other life forms or carbon sources. Chitin : strengthen cell walls; a strong, flexible polysaccharide carbohydrate. An organism that derives its nourishment from nonliving or decaying organic matter. Discuss symbiotic relationships between fungi and plants/ animals( mycorrhizae, endophytes, pathogens ) (mycorrhizae- fungi living in close association with plant roots) Mycorrhizae fungi help absorb moisture & nutrients (mutual relationship between plant and fungi) Endophytes are invasive-harmless fungi that produce toxins to deter herbivores and defend against pathogens. Pathogens are invasive-harmful fungi that hurt the host (aka: parasites) (non-symbiotic) Plant gives fungus sugars, etc. (lichens -- ascomycota): fungi living in close association with photosynthetic unicellular chlorophyte or cyanobacteria; results in thallus form) Distinguish between mycelia, hyphae (septate vs coenocytic) and haustoria (i. e. what are they?) Hyphae: filamentous network, tubular walls that surround plasma membrane and cytoplasm of cells.