BIOL 212 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Melanin, Smooth Muscle Tissue, Membrane Protein

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Canaliculi transfer: mineralized matrix - no diffusion through the matrix, protoplasmic extension of adjacent cells connect within canaliculi, waste, nutrients, gases, etc. diffuse from cell to cell. Latin for little mouse (myo- ;mys- ; scaro-) Elongated cells packed with contractile proteins (myosin and actin) Excitability - responds to external stimuli (hormones/nervous stimulation) Contractility - actively shortens along longitudinal axis. Extensibility - can stretch beyond original length without tears (contrast with brain, bone, spleen or kidney) Elasticity - recoils to its original length. The complete action of the organ is the result of the action of the individual cells. Muscle organ = muscle fibers (cells) + connective tissue + nervous tissue + epithelial tissue. Change chemical energy and change into mechanical energy: the chemical energy for the cell is atp (atp adp + pi + energy, the mechanical energy produced allows us to.