POL S 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Party System, Akihito, Cloture

88 views14 pages
16 Nov 2017

Document Summary

A proportional representation (pr) system creates the electoral conditions necessary to foster party development (in other elections there are parties, resulting in what is known as a two-party system) Correlation between the number of parties and the electoral rules a country uses. Hybrid= combination of pr and plurality, two major parties & smaller parties. Party systems : how many major parties that exist in a country that are capable of getting makes it impossible for small political parties (green party) to get representation votes. Was led by alexander hamilton and favored a stronger central government, advocated for banking and commercial interests, and was most popular in the northeastern and middle atlantic states. Was led by thomas jefferson and appealed primarily to southern agricultural interests and states" rights advocates. More proportional than plurality elections, but allows the winning candidate to win by a majority. Can reduce the likelihood of a candidate winning with a very small plurality.