POL S 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Socratic Method, Formicarium, Scientific Control

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16 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Introduced inductive method (socratic method: open-minded+collaborative discussion, aims for critical thinking by asking questions rather than. From quiz: thomas hobbes argues that life in the pre-contract state was solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. Commonwealth is that he/she is supposed to ensure the safety of all law-abiding citizens. The state of nature is largely cooperative and guided by natural laws. Endorsed the belief in a meant to maintain our natural rights. Individual rights, especially the right to own property. Believed that our behavior is mostly controlled by our reasoning powers: most important role of government is to protect iv. Limited form of government. government is: rousseau. Believed that competition for property (and other societal norms) corrupts our inherent goodness. Return to socrates, wanted to establish better well-being through private property. The republic: happiness comes from pursuing justice rather than self-interest. nurture human soul by pursuing justice. Believed politics should be a means to bring about justice in society.