[ENVR 101] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (23 pages long)

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Document Summary

Rely on natural resources: substances and energy sources we need for survival, renewable. Rely on ecosystem services: ecosystem services. Arise from the normal functioning of natural services and allow us to survive: ecological systems. Recycle waste: degradation of ecosystem services. Population growth amplifies our impact: 7 b people, two major phenomena triggered human population increases. Nature of environmental science: environmental science involves input from multiple disciplines, natural sciences. Environmental science is not the same as environmentalism: environmental science. The study of the environment and our interactions with it. Scientists try to remain objective and free from bias: environmentalism. A social movement dedicated to protecting the natural world from undesirable changes due to human actions. Nature of science: systematic process for learning about the world and testing our understanding of it. Information is gathered about topics not well known: hypothesis driven science. Has ideas and tests against various theories. We test hypothesis in different ways: manipulative experiment.