CHEM 265 : Dolliver Exam 1 Key

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Was murdered by clytemnestra, his wife, and her lover, aegisthus. His murdering of iphigenia caused a downward spiral throughout the rest of the oresteia. Anu - the father of the gods and the god of the firmament. Orestes into murdering his mother, and then stood witness for him in trail against the furies. Apology written by plato, it is an accont of. The goddess who creates enkidu and places him in the wilderness. Her importance is casting the final vote to save orestes from the furies, as well as striking a deal with the furies to help them become the eumenides. Athens - grecian city-state, practices a new found freedom known as "democracy. " Prophetess of troy, captured by agamemnon, and is doomed to always tell the truth, but never be believed. Chthonic - pertaining to deities who inhabit the underworld. Friend of socrates that wishes the philosopher to escape athens and his death sentence.