CRIJ 3378 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Informed Consent, Dependent And Independent Variables, Miranda Warning

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Scientific method: measurement: put value on, observe, replicate: use exact same method (increase reliability, verification: doing replication and observe when something happens. Vulnerable population: those who can"t normally consent: pregnant women, children, mentally disabled, prisoners. Informed consent: free to withdraw without penalty, know benefits and downsides. Iv: independent variable, cause: dv: dependent variable, outcome, z: spurious, related to but not cause. Hawthorne effect: people change because people are watching them. How research may harm somebody: could out someone, lose their job, medically hurt them. 4 purposes of research: descriptive: describe phenomenon, exploratory: understand what"s going on, explanatory: identify, causes, how things work, evaluation: something has changed, impact. Internal: our group, own discipline: acjs, acs, university: irb, external guidelines: federal and state laws, constitution, case law. Nuremberg code: the first international code for research on humans: voluntary consent, on animals first, humanitarian reasons.