CHAD 149 Study Guide - Final Guide: Motor Skill, Transverse Plane

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Body is thrust into the air by a vigorous extension of the support leg. Immature runner unable to project body through space. Hip, knee, and ankle are required for full extension and to generate maximum thrust. Experienced runners flex the knee so the recovery foot comes close to hitting the buttocks. Inexperienced runners have very little knee and hip flexion. The body is projected into the air by force generated in one or both legs. Hips, knees, ankles flex to absorb the impact. One foot is used to project the body into space with landing on the same foot. A forward step followed by a leap onto the trailing foot. Pattern is smooth, rhythmical, and at a moderate tempo. Trail leg may cross in front of or move adjacent to lead leg during airborne phase. Trail leg placed adjacent to or behind lead leg at contact. <450 with feet carried close to surface during airborne phase.