PSY 436 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Anorexia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Binge Eating

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She has always felt her thighs were too large, and makes sure in her workouts that she gives special attention to leg work to try to tone that area. She maintains a normal weight, and isn"t particularly distressed, but would really like to slim down through her legs. Kelly has: weight concerns, malia has been diagnosed with an eating disorder. She appears to eat normal amounts of food at all time, but she almost always takes laxatives to avoid gaining weight from what she consumes. 6: emily is prone binge eating, followed by purges through induced vomiting. But when chantal looks in a mirror, she is convinced her butt is too big and her stomach pooches out. Chantal has a(n): body image disturbance, prevention of eating disorders is particularly important for all of the following reasons. Impaired control 4 symptoms: social impairment 3 symptoms, risky use 2 symptoms, pharmacological 2 symptoms.