ANP 120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Turkana Boy, Femur Neck, Trinil

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Most primate fossils are there because owl pellets. Tiny haplorhine relatives of tarsiers and anthropoids. Site: fayum, egypt [late eocene to early oligocene] Tahalpithecus (libya) close to early platyrrhine perupithecus. Middle miocene hominoids leave africa, best sites now in eurasia. Actually both part of a single sexually dimorphic genus of species. Late miocene temperature drops, cooling trend reduction in hominoid diversity, most apes go extinct. Adaptation for bipedalism includes lesser gluteal muscles to abduct to counteract pelvic tilt. Bipedalism is the first major step to becoming a human. Australopithecus [early hominin, all from africa, pliocene] No one knows why hominids became bipedal. Stone tools first made by hominids with ape-sized brains. By 2. 5 mya, lower body is more human like. Post orbital construction to allow passage of temporalis. Early hominid locomotion: bipedal on ground, climbing on trees. Brigitte senut and martin pickford [6 mya] Distal humerus and long curved manual phalanx. Thick enamel, small canines pair bonding.