ANP 300 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Levator Veli Palatini, Tensor Veli Palatini Muscle, Foramen Rotundum

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1.foramen ovale of sphenoid bone: ID the opening and bone
2.Foramen rotundum: Name this foramen.
3.Foramen Spinosum: Name this foramen.
4.hypoglossal canal: Name this foramen
5.internal auditory meatus: Name this opening.
6.jugular foramen: Name this foramen.
7.What are the extrinsic muscles of the tongue?: Genioglossus, Hyoglossus, Styloglossus,
8.What are the intrinsic muscles of the tongue?: transverse and longitudinal fibers
9.What are the muscles of mastication?: Digastric, Masseter, Temporalis, Medial pterygoid,
lateral pterygoid
10.What are the soft palate muscles?: tensor veli palatini & levator veli palatini
11.What bone contributes to the superior and middle conchae?: ethmoid bone
12.What bones make up the top and back of the nasal cavity?: sphenoid and ethmoid bone
13.What cranial nerve innervates the hyoglossus?: CN XII hypoglossal
14.What cranial nerve innervates the intrinsic muscles of the tongue??????: CN XII
15.What cranial nerve innervates the levator veil palatini???????????: CN X Vagus
16.What cranial nerve innervates the palatoglossus?: CN X Vagus
17.What cranial nerve innervates the Styloglossus?: CN XII hypoglossal
18.What cranial nerve innervates the tensor veil palatine?: CN V3 Trigreminal
19.What extrinsic muscle flattens the tongue?: Hyoglossus
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