BIO 203 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Feedback, Thyroid, Negative Feedback

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Document Summary

Physiology- the study of the normal functioning of a living organism and its parts; chemical and physical processes. Emergent properties- cannot be predicted to exist based only on knowledge of the system"s individual components/ eg. emotion, intelligence- cannot be predicted by examining a nerve cell. Atom molecules cells tissues organs organ systems organisms. Atoms make up cells, cells are the smallest unit of life sustaining abilities, collection of cells that carry out a related function makes up a tissue, tissues come together to form organs, which function together in organ systems. 10 physiological organ systems in the human body. Coverts food to particles that are transported around. Exchange of o2 and co2 from external and internal. 4 themes of physiology: structure and theme are closely related, living organisms need energy, information flow coordinates body functions, homeostasis maintains internal stability. Response loop- 3 primary components: input signal, integrating center, output signal. Second part of a reflex is a feedback loop.