PSY 240 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Stanley Milgram, Hawthorne Effect, Internal Validity

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Social influence: influences ppl have upon the beliefs, feelings, and behavior of others. Hindsight: our tendency to overestimate our power of prediction once we know the outcome of an event. Aronson"s first law: people who do crazy things are not necessarily crazy. Dispositional view: the assumption that a person"s behavior is the result of his/her personality rather than situational pressure. Chapter 9: why do systematic research, we"re not objective; we don"t note examples and compare them, benefits b. i. Enable us to collect data and rule out biases b. ii. Enables us to ensure that the people whom we are observing are representative; they"re typical of the population we are studying b. iii. We can keep track of our numbers and not relying on memory and impression: research question- are tall people liked more than short people? a. Interested in causal relationships between two variables a. i.