PSY 358 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, Pituitary Gland, Posterior Pituitary

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Use to excite, to begin, to put in motion. Hormones receptors are more sensitive than brain receptors because it is diluted. 2. negative feedback- hormones is all about this. Hormonal signaling: synthesis, all steroids made of cholesterol (fat soluble) i. they form into micelles the chains of micelles make cholesterol soluble ii. Neurotransmitter is release in active zones, hormones are released everywhere. Hormones take a lot of stimulation while neuro takes action potential and release. Big peptide can go around blood stream. Except cortisol - every gland has cortisol receptors. which is why stress is so damaging. Receptors: second messenger is on cell membrane, nucleus, effects genes, dna, hormones play important role in genetics, programming. Is a gland because only communication is hormones. Luteinizing hormone- production of testosterone and estrogen, enzyme- to collect cholesterol, release to make testis. Adrenocorticotropic hormone - goes to adrenal gland to make cortisol. Thyroid stimulating- has a lot of diseases (graves disease)