SOC 105 Study Guide - Final Guide: Erik Olin Wright, Postmodernism, Cultural Capital

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Comte- (1798 -1857)-coined term of sociology, social physics of the world, priest like caste of sociologists durkheim (1857- Soc- to try & understand 2 maj shift:increase in industrial capitalism & rationalization of science, business & govt. Symbolic interactionism-role of symbols & language as core elements of all human interaction. --allows the exchange of meaning. Functionalism-social events in terms of the contributions the make to the continuity of society;manifest (known to the group) latent (unintended functions) Agonistic theory- si & functionalism are consensual-focuses on power & ideology. Ethnography-first hand study of ppl as they go about their lives, often using participant-observation or interviewing methods. Measures of central tendency-mean, mode median measures of dispersal-standard deviation. Culture-the values, norms & material culture characteristics of a given group. Values -ideas held by indiv/ groups about what is desirable, proper, good & bad. Norms -rules of conduct that specify appropriate behavior (prescriptive - tell you to do something, proscriptive- tell you not to do something)