SOC 201- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 32 pages long!)

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Observational methods can be broadly classified as primarily quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative: focuses on specific behavior that can be easily quantified (counted). Qualitative: focuses on people behaving in natural settings and describing their world in their own words. Researchers here emphasize collecting in-depth information on a relatively few individuals or within a very limited setting. Conclusions: based on interpretation drawn by the investigator. Naturalistic observation is sometimes called field work or field observation. In this type of study a researcher makes observations of individuals in their natural environment. It may exam a narrow range of behaviors. Goal: is to provide a complete and accurate picture of what occurred in the setting, rather than to test hypothesis formed prior to the study. The data in this type of observation are primarily qualitative in nature; they are descriptions; however, it is useful to also gather quantitative data.