BIO 121 Study Guide - Final Guide: Boiling Point, Active Transport, Planaria

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Mega (m)- 10^6 centi (c) - 10 ^-2 milli (m) - 10^-3 micro ( ) - 10^-6. 0 temp of a mixture of ice, water, and salt. Science the study of the natural world and how it works/ chemical processes; we do it by working together. Hypothesis an educated guess that can be proven by lab results (testable) Theory a testable statement that could lead to more theories (can be proven wrong) Variables: independent : the one thing that"s being manipulated, dependent : the variable that changes/ being measured, control : the one thing that"s remaining the same. Lab 2: microscopy & tests for biological molecules. Total magnification = (mag. of lens) x (mag. of ocular lens) Estimated diameter = (field of view diameter)/ (# of times object could fit across) Classes of large biological molecules, their building blocks, and their functions. Proteins (amino acids) speeding up chemical processes, muscle repairs, cell signaling/transporting: ex: enzymes, lactose, amylase.