COM 107 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mass Media, Linear Model, Migration Period

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Linear model of communication: sender-(encoding)-message-(decoding)-receiver, you encode symbols that will be decoded by the receiver to get the meaning, becomes a cycle with feedback. Encoding & decoding: encoding: translating ideas into symbols, decoding: constructing meaning from symbols. Modern vs. postmodern narrative: modern period: started with four major features: Social media: the new technological advance in communication that constitutes of many platforms were people can communicate faster and with larger groups of people. Selective exposure: when consumers shape media messages to fit or support their own values and viewpoints, people typically seek messages and produce meanings that correspond to their own cultural beliefs, values, and interests. Media literacy: attaining and understanding of mass media and how they construct meaning, this requires following a critical process that takes us through the steps of description analysis, interpretation, evaluation, and engagement. Major eras in communication: oral, writing, print, electronic, digital.