ITA 102 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Regular And Irregular Verbs, Jury Selection, Infinitive

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Time time, the day, the weather, dates, and seasons. Two action going on at the same time in the past, or an ongoing action that was interrupted by another action. Passato prossimo are ato ere uto ire ito. Avere: io ho tu hai lui/lei ha noi abbiamo voi avete loro hanno. Essere: io sono tu sei lui/lei noi siamo voi siete loro sono. Andare, arrivare, entrare, partire, ritornare, tornare, uscire, venire, diventare, essere, morire, nascere, restare, rimanere, stare. Used to refer to events or actions that occurred at a specific time or specific number of times in the past passato prossimo. Used to describe people, places, and things in the past imperfetto. Used to describe an action that was on going in the past when another action interrupted it imperfetto passato prossimo. *verbs that end in -care and -gare add an h in front of er*