PSY 274 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Abecedarian Early Intervention Project, Longitudinal Study, Cardinality

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Piaget"s theory of cognitive development: thinks learning is continuous(tree of knowledge is always growing through this process, stages: (reflect discontinuities in development. Central properties of piaget"s stage theory: qualitative change, broad applicability across topics and contexts, brief transitions, invariant sequence(each stage builds upon the previous one) Early sensorimotor activity represents an early type of intelligence. Substage 1:(during first month) infants begin to modify their reflexes to make them more adaptive. Substage 2:(1-4 months) infants begin to organize separate reflexes into larger behaviors most of which are centered on their body. Substage 3:(4-8 months) infants become increasingly interested in the world around them. Object permanence: prior to 8 months, infants lack the knowledge that objects continue to exist even when they are out of view. Substage 5:(12-18 months) toddlers begin actively and avidly exploring the potential uses to which objects can be put. Substage 6:(18-24 months) infants become able to form enduring mental representations.