PSY 322 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Episodic Memory, Implicit Memory, Explicit Memory

58 views3 pages
21 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Archive of information about past events, knowledge learned, personal experiences: works closely with working memory. Storage stretches from a few moments ago to as far back as one can remember: more recent memories are more detailed. Coding: auditory coding recognize friend"s voice, visual coding recognize someone"s appearance, semantic coding remember meaning of past event predominant type of coding in ltm. In stm, auditory and visual coding are most prominent. Propaganda effect: participants are more likely to rate previously heard statements as true, simply because of previous exposure. Primacy effect - memory is better for stimuli presented at beginning: gives more time to rehearse information, better to remember, transfer of working memory to long-term memory requires time and attention. Recency effect: dumps out the immediate contents of working memory, limited rehearsal buffer; working memory allows about 6 items, first word is remembered 100%, 2nd is 50%, 3rd is remembered 33%