[PSY 474] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (33 pages long!)

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Memory and forgetting: memory processes: acquisition and recall of memories involves three processes: Long-term memory: capacity seems to be unlimited and most likely permanent. Eyewitness testimony relies heavily on the memory processes of encoding, storage, and retrieval. Encoding occurs when a person directs his/her attention to an aspect of their environment; example: a scar on a person"s face. Recall memory: involves reporting details of a previously witnessed event or person; open- ended question. Recognition memory: involves reporting whether what is currently being viewed/heard is the same as the previously seen person/item of interest. Describe two categories of independent variables and three general dependent variables found in eyewitness research. Describe lineup procedures and how they may be biased. Summarize the debate surrounding expert testimony on eyewitness issues. Outline the recommendations for collecting eyewitness identification evidence. How do we study eyewitness issues: accompanying an officer to the scene of the crime and interviewing actual witnesses after.