BIOL 112 Study Guide - Final Guide: Facultative Anaerobic Organism, Horizontal Gene Transfer, Aerobic Organism

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Describe the characteristics of the three domains. survive without it. Describe three vital contributions bacteria make to the global ecosystem. Differentiate between aerobic, anaerobic, and facultative anaerobic bacteria. Prokaryote environments (marine sediments or sealed canning jars) Aerobic bacteria - require oxygen for growth. Anaerobic bacteria - cannot tolerate atmospheric oxygen; found in oxygen poor. Facultative anaerobes - intermediate group that prefer atmospheric oxygen but can. Differentiate cyanobacteria (formerly called blue-green algae) from other types of bacteria. Use distinguishing characteristics to develop a cladogram of representative protistans. Horizontal gene transfer - occurs when transposable elements or plasmids are exchanged, through viral infection and result of endosymbiosis. Anaerobic bacteria - cannot tolerate atmospheric oxygen; found in oxygen poor environments (marine sediments or sealed canning jars) Facultative anaerobes - intermediate group that prefer atmospheric oxygen but can survive without it. Heterotrophs - cannot fix carbon, so they break down complex compounds for nutrients. Saprobes - that digest dead and decaying material.