COMM 301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Public Relations Exercise, Marshall Mcluhan, Socratic Dialogue

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Wrote his idea that the primary aim of education is a tool for investigating problems and persuading people to action for the common good or not. Kind of created what we know as high school. Isocrates created a public school to teach kids the ideas of the state. The school was more practical and political. Example: the only isocrates video that existed on the internet. Wanted all the greeks to be nationalists and lead the greek city states. He advocated for a panhellenic community against the barbarians. Logos as hegemon: isocrates like his teacher gorgias, personifies logos as a leader. Gorgias, this leadership is not tyrannical but hegemonic, less a rule by force than of authority. It gets inside of our head and leads us [manipulation]. Don"t follow me but follow the order i"m suggesting to you . Like showing someone biblical telling them don"t follow me but what i"m showing you words.