[PSY 217] - Midterm Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (39 pages long)

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7 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Abnormal psychology- describe, predict, explain and change abnormal behavior. 4 d"s: deviance violates norms/socially unacceptable, danger - to oneself or to others, distress - usually has to cause this to be diagnosed, dysfunctional- interferes with everyday life. Jerome frank- therapy"s 3 features: sufferer, healer, series of contacts (to continue recovery) Rush (state hospital in: recovery rates dropped. Usa: prejudice hypnosis to heal against mental patient disorders. Humors- bodily chemicals that influence mental/psychical functioning: imbalance causes psychological problems, illness = natural causes. 1. correlational- degree that events vary w/ each other: epidemiological population i. Use of control and experimental groups that already exists (independent variable: natural experiment i. Nature manipulates intendent variable, observed not changed: analogous experiment i. Researcher induces abnormal behavior in lab: single-subject experiment i. Single participant is measured before and after manipulation of in. var. Underlying psychological forces that are not consciously aware. Make assumptions and adopt attitudes that are inaccurate. Cognitive therapies to recognize/ change faulting thinking.