CJ 3302- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 14 pages long!)

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Participant/observer accounts - staff who worked in prisons with inmates and wrote about their observations and interviews with inmates and staff. Prisons as places of violence, tension and hate. Earliest studies of prison were done by sociologists who worked in prisons (participant/observer) Prisons are total institutions (goffman) - places where large numbers of individuals are cut off from the wider society for periods of time leading enclosed lives. Inmate code/subculture - values, norms and behaviors commonly held or practiced in prison. Prisonization (clemmer - 1958) - the socialization process in prison where inmates learn the values, norms and behaviors of inmates. Not all inmates become totally immersed in the process, depending on personality, age, criminality and relationships. Deprivation theory (sykes - 1958) - inmates form a value system based on the many things they are deprived of from the free world: heterosexual sex, freedom, goods and services, autonomy.