HRM 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Vertical Integration, Resource Allocation, Citigroup

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Document Summary

We study motivation to understand why people behave the way they do which leads to employee engagement. Money is a motivator only in rote (routine) tasks. When thinking is involved money actually decreases performance. Self-awareness helps us know what we are passionate about and what motivates us. Therefore we can make good career choices for ourselves. Leaders should create for people to be motivated, committed and passionate. Self determination theory is concerned with people"s need for empowerment (to feel competent and capable of controlling their internal and external environments) and their need for relatedness (to care for and be related to others). Human needs, safety, belongingness, esteem, self actualization. Motivators- factors that positively impact motivation (need for recognition, responsibility, achievement, opportunities for growth and development) Hygiene- cause or eliminate job dissatisfaction but do not result in motivation (salary, working conditions, supervision, relationships with coworkers, and level of job security)