LGLS 0856 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Product Liability, Strict Liability, Punitive Damages

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Administrative agencies: governmental bodies that administer and implement particular legislation (fda, epa, etc. ) Contract: the exchange of promises voluntarily made by those whose agreement is enforceable in court; the five essential elements of a contract are offer, acceptance, consideration, capacity, and legality. Property law: deals with the rights and duties that arise out of the ownership or possessions of real or personal property; defines and enforces the rights and responsibilities that accompany ownership. Mens rea: criminal intent; state of mind you were in to commit a crime. Negligence: arises when one fails to act as a reasonable person under the circumstances. Punitive damages: a sum of money awarded to punish the tort-feasor for his or her misconduct so that the type of incident in question will never occur again. Concurrent ownership (joint): occurs when the title to property is shard by two or more people who hold title to the asset.