MSP 1021 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Jean Baudrillard, Coevolution, Disneyland

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Madison conner (disclaimer: to whomever comes across this study guide. It"s not perfect but i hope it helps you all out! Please feel free to edit if you think information is inaccurate or if you would like to add something!) Pink print = important vocabulary words or important ideas :) Educational goals: inspire you to think creatively and critically based on things such as media and society, theory and technology, and arts and sciences. Evolution of knowledge: new facts, discoveries, and technologies lead to new theories and knowledge of the world. Understanding and disagreement: the goal is to understand media on multiple levels, not agree with everything. We are the only ones who can open our minds. Dna: we share 99% of the same dna. With the cosmos, we share the most common elements: hydrogen, helium, oxygen, carbon, neon, iron, nitrogen. The central idea of this textbook: use movies to introduce students to critical thinking about media and society.