STHM 3311 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Customer Service, Revamp, Agency Shop

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Chapter 12 evolving slides all, baby boomers. 25 points essay, 5 recorded essays 1 optional. Prapey: how can managers address and resolve turnover and labor shortages, to reduce the turnover rate, managers should keep the people currently employed by selecting the right people and using tactics to retain staff members. They should also try to increase productivity by using the same or reduced amount of labor hours. For labor shortages, managers should try recruiting from non-traditional labor markets such as older workers seeking part-time work and persons with physical and/or mental challenges. Turnover (mentor program) and labor shortages (non-traditional), career path, professional development program. Conflict is a process resulting in the perceptions of two parties that they are working in opposition to each other in ways that result in feelings of discomfort and/or animosity. Conflict is not always seen as something negative because it can lead to better problem solving, however, conflict must be controlled.