ANTH 207 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Glottochronology, Ethnolinguistics, Paralanguage

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Phonemes - smallest units of sound that can change meaning in a language. Morphemes - smallest unit of sound that have meaning in language. Bound morphemes-a sound or a combination of sounds that cannot stand alone as a word. Free morphemes-morpheme that can stand alone as a word without another morpheme. Paralanguage- laughing, crying, noise wharf hypothesis- think in certain language. Core vocabulary-the most basic and long lasting words in any language. Linguistic relativity- idea that distinction encoded in one language are unique to that language. Ethnolinguistics- studies the relationship between language and culture. Dependence training- tasks in reliance to domestic group. Modal personality- character traits that occur most frequently among a social group therefore represent a culture. Ethnic psychoses- mental disorder speci c to particular ethnic group. Core values- values promoted by a particular culture. Subsistence- how we make a living from the land. Food foraging- hunting, shing, and gathering wild plant foods.