BSC 116 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ecological Footprint, Cellular Respiration, Ecosystem Respiration

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Amplification- the strengthening of stimulus energy during transduction. Cardiac muscle- a type of striated muscle that forms the contractile wall of the heart. Its cells are joined by intercalated disks that relay the electrical signals underlying each heartbeat. Chemoreceptor- a sensory receptor that responds to a chemical stimulus, such as a solute or an odorant. Chitin- a structural polysaccharide, consisting of amino sugar monomers, found in many fungal cell walls and in the exoskeletons of all arthropods. Cochlea- the complex, coiled organ of hearing that contains the organ of corti. Compound eye- a type of multifaceted eye in insects and crustaceans consisting of up to several thousand light detecting, focusing ommatidia. Cone- a cone shaped cell in the retina of the vertebrate eye, sensitive to color. Electromagnetic receptor- a receptor of electromagnetic energy, such as visible light, electricity, or magnetism. Endoskeleton- a hard skeleton buried within the soft tissues of an animal.