CTD 446- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 73 pages long!)

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The total arrangement of all outwardly detectible modifications of the body itself and all material objects related to it. Nonverbal system of communication of social, physiological, and cultural information about the individual wearer and the context in which it is worn: culture. That complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, customs, and other capabilities and habits acquired by humans as members of society. Monokini rudi gernreich 1964: society. A group of people who occupy a particular territory and speak a common language or share common experiences: examples of societies, american chemical society: common technical jargon, sorority/fraternity: shared collegiate experience, military: training and dress. Individuals participate in a culture and make-up a society. Other technology advertising, transportation, communication: 5 senses. How it relates to the human body: wrapped, suspended, preshaped, inserted, clipped, adhered, handheld, body modifications. Parts of the body effected: hair, skin, nails, teeth, breath, muscular and skeletal system.