CTD 447- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 76 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Examples of globalization: clothes, flu, nike and mcdonalds, terrorism, laws, economies, and social movements are forming at the international level, growing integration of economies and societies around the world. Creates a world government: wto, world bank, and imf: economic. Realization of a global and regional common market: social. Levels of trade: domestic trade, international trade, global trade, trade agreements established by governments enhance or control trade. International trade: exchange of goods involving two or more countries, sourcing: determines the most cost-efficient vendor of services, materials, production, or finished goods, at a specified quality and service level, for delivery within an identified time frame. Measuring levels of trade: exports: send (goods or services) to another country for sale. Imports: bring (goods or services) into a country from abroad for sale: trade surplus and trade deficit, trade balance = exports imports. Agreement of textiles and clothing (atc: regional trade agreements. North american free trade agreement (nafta: us, canada, & mexico.