BIO 201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Reducing Agent, Deoxyribose, Chloroplast

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Bio 201 exam 1: four main groups of organic macromolecules. Proteins -nucleic acids -carbohydrates (sugars) -lipids: polymers are repeating units. Some filaments are polymers of proteins nm= nanometer (10^-9 meter) M= micrometer (10^-6 meter) mm= millimeter (10^-3 meter) Organelle: a compartment inside of a cell that is surrounded by a membrane (eukaryotic cells) Experimental situation in a test tube, plastic dish, glass beaker, etc. Cells are complex and organized, usable genetic program, reproduction, acquire and use energy, respond, self-regulate, evolve, mechanical activities. Bacteria have a plasma membrane but they don"t have a nucleus. Not all eukaryotic cells have a nucleus- mature red blood cells do not. Mitocondia: converting energy for the cell to use. Rough endoplasmic reticulum: has ribosomes where amino acids are made into protein. Endosymbiont theory -intracellular organelles inside eukaryotic cells used to be free-living prokaryotic cells. they got inside the first eukaryotic cells, liked it and stayed there as endosymbionts.