HIS 216 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Puritans, Moral Authority, Middle Colonies

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23 Oct 2017

Document Summary

The chesapeake (virginia, maryland) in the seventeenth century (1600s) Background: economic motives (profit; tobacco) and population (indentured servants, etc. , regarded, treated as inferior) = a uniquely brutal, violent society. Legal violence, i. e. , abuse of servants: the beating of elizabeth abbott, 1624. She was beaten to the point where her flesh was rotten, but the case was dismissed. (known details: the murder of jack, a runaway slave, 1690s. Jack runaway and was caught and wiped to the point where the lash broke, but made a new one with branding. (unknowing ending case) Illegal violence: assault and murder the roles of age/ gender distribution; high mortality, low birth rates; exploitative environment. Life is cheap - social tensions: thomas hellier, servant: a triple murderer in virginia, 1678, he killed his master and mistress and a servant who was trying to stop him from killing. All three were killed with an ax: the murder of sarah gambrell, servant, 1696.