NTR 401 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Basal Metabolic Rate, Thyroid, Iodine Deficiency

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Animal sources of mineral are generally better absorbed: iron. Heme found in animal products is better absorbed than nonheme. It keeps iron in the reduced ferrous form: absorption of iron. Acid in the stomach promotes the conversion of +3 to +2. Hindered by high fiber, high calcium: absorption of iron in the gi. Iron is sloughed off within 2-5 days from intestinal cells: functions of iron. Hemoglobin in red blood cells transport oxygen and carbon dioxide high turnover, high demand for iron. Drug-detoxification pathway: food sources of iron, red meats, enriched grains, fortified cereals, vegetables. Rda is 18 mg/day for female age 11 to 50. Assumes that 18% of dietary iron is absorbed. Average intake exceeds rda for men, low for women. Over-absorb iron, iron deposit which can lead to organ damage. May go undetected until 50-60 of age when organ fails: zinc, functions of zinc, wound healing, immune function, growth, development of sexual organs, food sources of zinc.