INTS 1500 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: International Political Economy, Free Trade, State Capitalism

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Major developments in global political economy after wwii: large increase in volume of world trade, transformation or institutional arrangements governing world trade. Theories: need theories to put us in the right direction, free trade vs. fair trade. Constructivism: values and beliefs will determine what is reality, provide an identity, then form groups of people that are like-minded, emphasize ideas, norms, identities, and social understanding, development: Doesn"t capture enough diversity in the world to explain poverty we don"t exercise the power we have to help. Process of integration taking a long time to connect every aspect. Colonialism/imperialism: the rise of the corporation. Role of trade barriers costs, benefits, who gains/loses. Gatt (general agreement on tariffs and trade) keeping trade on tariffs low. Wto (world trade org) organizes int"l trade. Theories - fundamental assumptions of each perspective regarding production and specialization. Major developments contributing to rise of global production: globalization of production. From national production to global production: change in features/organization.