BSCI 353 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sodium-Potassium Alloy, Resting Potential, Potassium Chloride

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Cajal used the golgi stain and identified individual neurons: principle of dynamic polarization: information flows from dendrite to axon, principle of connective specificity: connections with synapse. Most neurons are terminally differentiated two processes = 1 dendrite and 1 axon = bipolar: a minority of neurons one process = 1 axon = monopolar, receives information through direct synaptic contact and receptor proteins. Cajal"s principle does not always hold (structure is flexible) cell body = site of protein synthesis dendrites = receive information from other neurons synapses = information transfer between neurons. Schwann cells myelination in pns: glial stem cells sometimes into neurons oligodendrocyte precursor cells, ns contains layers of cells, which correspond to circuits. Cytological stains for neurons: nissel stains labels er, help show layers but doesn"t show types, golgi stain randomly stain a few individual cells in tissue to show axon/ dendritic branching fluorescent dyes.