CCJS 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Metal Detector, Restorative Justice, Cybercrime

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Document Summary

Chapter 5: policing: contemporary issues and challenges: police officers are expected to exercise discretion to make wise choices in often ambiguous situations as to how and when to apply the law. >>the nature of the crime the less serious a crime is to the public, the more freedom officers have to ignore it. >>the relationship between the alleged criminal and the victim the closer the personal relationship, the more variable is the use of discretion. Family squabbles may not be as grave as they appear, and police are wary of making arrests, because spouses may later decide not to press charges. >>the relationship between the police and the criminal or victim a polite complainant will be taken more seriously than a hostile one. Similarly, a suspect who shows respect to an officer is less likely to be arrested than one who does not.