HIST 266 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Barbary Coast, Quartering Acts, Sugar Act

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Commercial gains and territorial expansion gave population a lust for me. However, the us military was weak, and localism meant that states could not fund it: yet won 4 wars, american revolution, naval war with france, war with barbary states, war of 1812. Us was more successful diplomatically: exploited circumstances in europe, jay, franklin, jefferson, madison, john quincy adams. 7 years war ended with the peace of paris (1763: british victory meant they were the most powerful in north america, also ended the french-indian war and britain declared the proclamation of. 1763 establishing the indian reserve where they would live: started because britain wanted land in ohio valley, but france was defending them, colonies had high value of commercial gain to them. 1: townshend acts (1767) series of taxes on goods imported to america ( internal and external taxation, tea act (1773) gave british east india company monopoly and led to the boston tea party.