BIL 160 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Lamarckism, Genesis Creation Narrative, Convergent Evolution

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Descent with modification and the darwinian way of life. The idea that living species are descendants of ancestral species that were different from the present-day ones. The change in the genetic composition of a population from generation to generation. Idea that all life forms are arranged from the lowest organisms to the highest organism as if on a scale or ladder. The study of naming and classifying the diverse forms of life. Systematics: the study of classifying organisms and determining their evolutionary relationships. A rock layer formed when new layers of sediment cover older ones and compress them. Catastrophes lead to mass extinctions and therefore are the boundary between strata. The theory that changes in the earth"s crust during geological history have resulted chiefly from sudden violent and unusual events. Organisms evolve via use or disuse of a certain trait/characteristic. External traits that an organism acquires over it"s lifetime can be passed from generation to generation.