BIL 360- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 48 pages long!)

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Cilia that extend in mucuous to help protect the cells, which have high turnover rate: noxious or toxic chemicals, molecules detected by bipolar neurons. Nasal epithelium walls of this epithelium where the receptor cells are housed and oderant melcules are bound to the sensory cilia. Odorant molecules diffuse to gpcrs of sensory cell membrane. Bind to receptor proteins to a membrane of a cell. Variations of amino acid sequence that will determine what ligand can bind there. Retina contains a network of photoreceptors and neurons. Horizontal cels, bipolar cells, amacrine cells, and ganglion cells. High acuity and high concentration of photoreceptor cells. Tightly packed cones and no rods in humans. Highest visual acuity is composed of tightly packed cones. Differ in terms of how sensitive they are to different light conditions. Rods are long and thin: multiple will connect together to one bipolar cell, sensitive to low light conditions.