MKT 340 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Shampoo, Dustin Diamond

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Pick 5 out of 6 short answer questions worth 20 points each every question will be multipart combining outlines in questions. Using the headings when you study: 7 cases and 6 videos will give name of case or video. Give 1 unique fact unlike any other case. Names of people, used percentage in terms of growth. Bad credit salesperson was bad listener. Justin diamond: 3 students talking about taking a selling course; the course isn"t necessary but it helps, sales has variety, and the class changes you not. New buyer old account: an office supplier is trying to sell to a new business manager of the school district either by showing off their 100 years experience or a lower price. One too many: a product sampling company is trying to sample shampoo and has to tell an old client no or cancel on a new client.