POL 307 Study Guide - Final Guide: Theocracy, Gulf War, Osama Bin Laden

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A political ideology anti-enlightenment, anti-western, anti-modernization, don"t desire secular (non-religious) govts but prefer religious govts; referred to as radical islam (far right reactionary) 80% of muslims are not in the middle east. Sunna=a verbally transmitted record of the teachings, sayings and deeds of. Shria=principles set fourth by religious leaders over a long period of time. Laws are based on a particular religious doctrine and their beliefs not just a man-made law but is god"s desire about what the group should do. Sunni v shia aftermath of mohammad"s death to see who would follow him. Shia"s=minority found in iraq, iran; believed leader had to be someone that was from mohammad"s family; wanted it to be his cousin (blood relative) Sunnis=largest sect of muslims; wanted it to be an elected chief executive; didn"t need to be mohammad"s family; wanted it to be his father in law (not blood relative) Islam desire to go back to past ways of how islam was practiced.