POL 385 Study Guide - Final Guide: Blofield, Populism, Conditional Cash Transfer

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Filgueira, reygadas et al. believed that electoral democratization came from political instability of incumbents, the greater use of direct democratic instruments to kick out incumbents, and election of subnational leaders: delegative democracies and populism. In delegative democracies, the president is the embodiment of the country and defines their interests. His political base is a movement that stretches across party lines. To them the courts and the legislature are nuisances that prevent them from furthering their goals. These countries have little horizontal accountability which is when institutions outside of voting, the courts and the legislature can call into questions and eventually punish officials who misuse their power. The president has a broad mandate of support and can swiftly carry out policies that he views as important with little push back from the legislature. The contestatory left is described as leftist populists who call into question major aspects of the political and economic structures of their countries.