NSC 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Coronary Artery Disease, High-Density Lipoprotein, Hypercholesterolemia

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Several different disorders affecting the heart (i. e. coronary heart disease) Has been the number 1 killer of adults in the us since 1918 (more women than men) Cardiovascular disease (cvd): vessels that serve the heart and the brain (heart attack and stroke) Plague: fat, cholesterol, and cellular material can build up along the walls of the coronary arteries and form a hardened substance. Chemicals from cigarettes, high blood glucose, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol increase plague formation. Excess weight low hdl (good cholesterol) level. Fat carriers, enable fat and cholesterol to travel through the blood and lymph. Several kinds of lipoproteins: chylomicrons, vldls (very low density lipoproteins), ldls (low density), hdls (high density) Contain fat, phospholipids, cholesterol, and protein in varying proportions. Made in small intestine from newly digested and absorbed dietary fat. Sent into circulation to deliver fat for storage and building blocks. Metabolite of vldl once most of the triglycerides have been stored in tissues.